Create ERC Token Development Company to Build ICO Software in Malaysia

Would-be issuers of “utility” ERC tokens can be expected to encounter high costs, middling raises and regulatory risk. But there is a solution for the beginning ICO's were magic. Young projects without a legal entity, domicile or identifiable management team were able to raise millions of dollars. They promised to build infrastructure that would unseat corporate titans without so much as saying hello to regulators and taxing authorities. Smash the banks, change the world and bring about some sort of libertarian crypto utopia Obviously that hasn’t happened. Regulators are increasingly cracking down and taking interest in the blockchain space. While governments vary in their response to blockchain technology projects, it is clear that they will respond and that they will hold projects accountable to their laws. “Utility” token offerings designed as an end run around securities laws are unlikely to hold up, with the SEC say openly that they haven’t seen a true “utility” y...