
TRX20 Token Smart Contract Dapp Development

For More Details Please Contact Call / Whatsapp: +60 164998736 Website: Unit3, Level 22, The Gardens South Tower, Mid Valley City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur TRX20 Token Smart Contract Dapp Development Tron dApps Development Services | Company TRON technology is a decentralised network of blockchain development that uses a specialised protocol, a private blockchain browser, and its own bitcoin (cryptocurrency) that was created with a specific use in mind. It is being developed in order to establish a global, decentralised edge-to-edge media network. Solidity and TRX or Tronix are the programming languages used by the Tron network to create smart contracts. We can use this platform to create a decentralised application when discussing network development.   Since the launch of the Tron Network, Crypto Soft Malaysia has developed considerable competence in the field thanks to their technological expertise in blockchain development.   Our professio

BEP20 Smart contract MLM Software

  For More Details Please Contact Call / Whatsapp: + (60)-164998736 Website: Unit3, Level 22, The Gardens South Tower, Mid Valley City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur BEP20 Smart contract MLM Software   MLM Software based on Smart Contract in the Binance Smart Chain   Launch the capable smart contract-based MLM software on the Binance Smart Chain Network to enter the DeFi market. With this decentralised protocol, you may measure your MLM operation in a safe, transparent, unlicensed, and totally independent manner. The smart contract-based MLM platform development services provided by Crypto Soft Malaysia are unmatched, and we are industry leaders in blockchain technology.   The Binance Smart Chain is a blockchain that is based on EVM and has a proof-of-stake consensus method (Ethereum Virtual Machine). Additionally, the Binance Smart Chain has the technological ability to facilitate the creation of smart contracts. Although it is quite similar to we

E-Commerce Business with MLM Style

For More Details Please Contact Call / Whatsapp: + 60 164998736 Website: Unit3, Level 22, The Gardens South Tower, Mid Valley City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur   E-Commerce Business with MLM Style   E-commerce is the fastest growing business model in which transactions are done via online and it is one of the most advanced models for doing business. It allows individuals and firms buy and sell all types of products and services via the internet on any device like computers, tablets, or smartphones. Almost all business organisations and companies use their e-commerce platform nowadays because of its advantages such as quick buying/selling procedure, 24/7 buying/selling option, low costs, easy management and more reachability to customers. E-commerce is one of the most successful concepts for running a successful business in the 21st century. However, just like any other customer-oriented business model, this one also needs to be flawless for the end-use